Processes Digitalization

E-PINs, as well as digital services in our Customer Communication Management area, are powerful dematerialization tools.

Convego Tap
The card as an authentication factor!

Give your customers the possibility to authenticate securely, with a simple swipe of their card on their mobile phone.

Link to Pay
The new way to make payments!

The Link to pay solution works as an aggregator of digital means of payment that promotes a differentiating customer experience with just one click.


We can ensure the conversion of the PINs originally generated to e-PINs that can be distributed more efficiently.

Since the e-PIN is distributed via SMS, there is a significant saving in terms of materials (paper and envelope), postage as well as greater efficiency in terms of delivery time and start using the card.

Communications digitalization and archive

In addition to printing and mailing personalized documents (the so-called Printing & Finishing), we also integrate digital channels and the digital file of documents.

Find out what we can do for your business.